My Clarion-mate Leah Thomas’s story “Shards” will be featured this week on Daily Science Fiction. If you sign up for their (free!) emails, you can get it on on April 12, 2011; it will appear on their website a week or so after that. DSF has been publishing great stuff, like this currently featured story from Jason Sanford; it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on!
And don’t miss Lawn Order, Leah’s ongoing web comic about suburban life, gardening, oh yeah, and the evil vegetative dead!
Clarion-ite John Chu has a story upcoming in the Boston Review, but in the meanwhile, they are featuring new fiction from Clarion instructor Samuel R.Delany. This is an excerpt from the novel on which he is currently working, but it stands on its own. We heard Chip read a different section of this work at Mysterious Galaxy; his ear for precise, nuanced description is, as always, extraordinary.
What a great piece by Chip! I really can’t wait for this book to hit the shelves! And yay for John and Leah! Such wonderful writers! Too many exclamation points and never enough!!!