I’m doing another live stream reading of one of my short stories for Story Hour 2020 at 7pm Wednesday December 16. It’ll be available via Zoom or Facebook Live. Details here:https://www.storyhour2020.com
A great audio adaptation of my story Two Things About Thrand Zany’s TechnoThèque is out now at StarShipSofa, read by Katherine Inskip. Thanks as always to StarShipSfoa’s Jeremy Szal and Tony C. Smith. The story originally appeared at the online magazine Unlikely Story’s special issue The Journal of Unlikely Cryptography. And thanks for artists [read more…]
My story The Wind Shall Blow is now online as part of Beneath Ceaseless Skies Eighth Anniversary Issue, including a fantastic audio adaptation read by Alasdair Stuart. This story was inspired by a 500 year old Scottish Border ballad my father sings, and is a sequel of sorts to a 50 year old [read more…]
Here is a perfect performance by Kate Baker of my story Between Dry Ribs at The Dark! http://thedarkmagazine.com/between-dry-ribs/#podcast
You can hear me reading my story Bloom in the latest Asimov’s podcast. Bloom original appeared in the December 2013 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, and was reprinted in Neil Clarke’s Forever magazine #11. The story was a finalist for the 2014 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award.
StarShipSofa has produced a fantastic audio adaptation of my story “Twelve and Tag”, originally published in the March issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction. The audio was performed—voices and all—by Jonathan Sharp, and the podcast is graciously hosted by Tony C. Smith. Special thanks to StarShopSofa’s Jeremy Szal for setting everything up. This is my third audio [read more…]
PodCastle’s audio version of my story The Telling is online! It’s free to listen, but please consider donating a buck or two; the Escape Pod team pays its authors and their work is fantastic. http://podcastle.org/2014/09/05/podcastle-327-the-telling/ Thanks to Cian MacMahon for a great performance, and to Dave Thompson, Anna Schwind, Ann Leckie, and everyone at Escape Artists!
I’m delighted to report two new sales. My fantasy novelette The Leaves Upon Her Falling Light is going to Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and my SF novelette Twelve and Tag is going to Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. Also, my World Fantasy Award-winning story The Telling will be adapted to audio by [read more…]
I’ve completed post-production work on Tony McVey’s stop-motion short film Skull Island. I did all the music and sound effects, as well as the video editing and compositing. In addition to being an amazing animator, Tony is a brilliant sculptor, and has created sculpts for museums, film, and TV.