Here’s an amazing concept design by artist Leilani Joy for The Scout from my story The Tale of the Scout and the Pachydormu, out now at Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
My novelette The Tale of the Scout and the Pachydormu is out now on the Beneath Ceaseless Skies website, as part of their tenth anniversary issue. This is my fourth story at BCS, and I am proud to be able to be a part of the celebration of ten years of [read more…]
I am delighted to announce that I’ve sold my novelette “The Tale of the Scout and the Pachydormu” to Beneath Ceaseless Skies. This is my fourth sale to that excellent venue, and I’m every bit as thrilled as I was for the first sale. Here are my previous stories there: [read more…]
New Stories: I published three new stories this year: one horror short story, one fantasy short story, and one science fiction novelette. If you are the sort of person that nominates stories for awards, well, here ya go. If you are the sort of person that reads (or listens to) [read more…]
My story The Wind Shall Blow is now online as part of Beneath Ceaseless Skies Eighth Anniversary Issue, including a fantastic audio adaptation read by Alasdair Stuart. This story was inspired by a 500 year old Scottish Border ballad my father sings, and is a sequel of sorts to a 50 year old [read more…]
I’m delighted to report that I’ve sold my fantasy short story The Wind Shall Blow to Beneath Ceaseless Skies. BCS is, in my opinion, the best secondary-world fantasy venue out there right now, and Scott Andrews and crew are always a delight with which to work. The Wind Shall Blow is the [read more…]
I’ve had four stories published this year, all online and free to read. The last—”The Leaves Upon Her Falling Light”—is my own favorite of everything I have yet written. Two Things About Thrand Zandy’s TechnoThèque, Unlikely Story, Spring 2014 Smartmob, Schlock Magazine, Feb. 2014 Spinning the Thread, Kaleidotrope, October 2014 The Leaves Upon Her Falling [read more…]
I’ve got two new stories out. Spinning the Thread is out in the Autumn 2014 issue of Kaleidotrope. It’s a sort of historical horror dark fantasy gangster, uh, romance? The second time I woke up this morning, the shotgun was gone from between my teeth. Bridie’s fingers were on my cheek. [read more…]
I’m delighted to report two new sales. My fantasy novelette The Leaves Upon Her Falling Light is going to Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and my SF novelette Twelve and Tag is going to Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. Also, my World Fantasy Award-winning story The Telling will be adapted to audio by [read more…]
My story “The Telling”, published by Beneath Ceaseless Skies #109 last November, has been nominated for the World Fantasy Award. I am flabbergasted. Editor Scott H. Andrews and BCS are also up for Special Award—Non-professional. My friend and Clarion 2010 classmate Karin Tidbeck is up for her brilliant short story [read more…]