My story My story “Catch U Death” is up to read for free at the excellent Kaleidotrope, edited by Fred Coppersmith. This is a story I wrote for myself in snippets between other work, an attempt at Weird Funny, and I am very fond of it. It’s about death and [read more…]

I’ve sold my alternate history piece “Appearing Nightly” to Bourbon Penn, and my weird tale “Catch U Death” to Kaleidotrope. Both venues are wonderful, genre-defying journals, and I am honored and delighted to have work there. Kaleidotrope previously published my undead gangster historical fantasy horror romance “Spinning the Thread“.Here’s a [read more…]

I am delighted to find The Night Soil Salvagers on the 2020 Locus Recommended Reading List, alongside work from a stack of favorite writers. I also saw this note on Twitter: At #Boskone, Vincent Docherty @vjdocherty did manage to scoop the Hugo recs with the most sublime strange-fiction short story [read more…]

My story “The Night Soil Salvagers” is out today on—a Weird tale of nocturnes and renewal. Or buy an e-book version for just $0.99—link in the comments. Many thanks (as always) to my wonderful wonderful editor Ann VanderMeer, to Red Nose Studio for the gorgeous cover art, and to [read more…]

I am delighted to announce that my story The Empyrean Light, originally published in Conjunctions #71, will be included in Paula Guran’s Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror from Prime Books, alongside works from some of my favorite authors.

My story The Empyrean Light from Conjunctions:71 A Cabinet of Curiosity is available to read online.  Or you can buy the full issue in trade paperback book format at selected bookstores or online here. Something was lying in the street. Ms. Wronski thought she saw it move, but by the time [read more…]

Here’s an amazing concept design by artist Leilani Joy for The Scout from my story The Tale of the Scout and the Pachydormu, out now at Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

My novelette The Tale of the Scout and the Pachydormu is out now on the Beneath Ceaseless Skies website, as part of their tenth anniversary issue.  This is my fourth story at BCS, and I am proud to be able to be a part of the celebration of ten years of [read more…]

I am delighted to announce that I’ve sold my novelette “The Tale of the Scout and the Pachydormu” to Beneath Ceaseless Skies. This is my fourth sale to that excellent venue, and I’m every bit as thrilled as I was for the first sale.  Here are my previous stories there: [read more…]

New Stories: I published three new stories this year: one horror short story, one fantasy short story, and one science fiction novelette.  If you are the sort of person that nominates stories for awards, well, here ya go.  If you are the sort of person that reads (or listens to) [read more…]

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