Jul 032010
We’re entering our second week here at the Clarion 2010 Writers’ Workshop, with Delia Sherman passing the baton to George R.R. Martin, and… that’s all I am allowed to say. We are under orders not to blog about the workshop while we are here. As if we would have the time, anyway… So, all I will say for now is “wow”.
Damn it all. I live in Long Beach. I planned on taking the train and going to the signing on Wednesday…but I had to cover someone’s shift at work!
God help me.
There was a line down the block, and folks standing out in the parking lot as George read — Mysterious Galaxy is a small store! — so the trip would likely have been frustrating if you had managed to get away…
Second week down, no major casualties. But we are all very very tired…
You made me feel much better, as I would have probably came in the evening. Hope all is well…weather must be hot, because it’s hot up here. Good luck and keep on keeping on!
Hope you have time to share some of your experience with all us poor unfortunate souls who were not there. Good you made it through. Congratulations!
Todd, Thanks! I’m working on a post about Clarion; It’ll probably be a series of posts, actually! In short: it was incredibly rewarding, and incredibly challenging.