Artist and Concept Designer Dermot Power, who painted the amazing splash image for this site, did this fantastic painting of NaN, Our Lady of Omissions, from my novelette Slow Boat.  Last thing NaN remembers, she was snoozing on her coach in Reno.  Either someone has stolen the couch—not to mention the building, the city, the air, and the gravity—or someone has stolen NaN herself.  Read what happens next in the August 2010 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, and check here in the coming months for news on downloadable e-book versions.

Dermot Power has designed for films such as Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, V for Vendetta, and the Harry Potter and Star Wars series.  You can see his film, video game, and comic book designs on his website.  And see his blog for the ongoing adventures of a disgruntled space goblin and his not-so-faithful dog.

Click on the image to see the extra-large version.

NaN wakes up, by Dermot Power

2 Responses to “Art: Slow Boat by Dermot Power”

  1. It has been pointed out to me that you can buy Slow Boat, along with the rest of the excellent August issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, for your favorite e-book reader from Fiction-wise:

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