My novelette Slow Boat has sold to Asimov’s Science Fiction!  Thanks as always to Sheila Williams at Asimov’s, and to my Writing Buddy, Shoe Gennessee; without their advice and support, the story would still be just a heap of mental and digital bits…

Slow Boat starts with our heroine waking up, and finding herself not on the couch where she fell asleep:

NaN, Our Lady of Omissions, opened her eyes onto the black of her coffin, and lifted herself up.  And cracked her head against the lid, which was minus one for the all-a-dream-after-all.  The dark, the silence, the feeling of floating, the inability to move, all that was the stuff of contented reverie to her; “fine and private” she mumbled hopefully at the stars that flared in her head.  But the pain was not, nor the stale air, nor the cracked sound of her own voice in a tight space, and surely not the feeling of something grating inside her left arm.  She reached up with her right, and just eight inches above her head was the lid, metal and solid and cold, grave cold, death cold.

One Response to “Sale: Slow Boat”

  1. […] novelette “Slow Boat“, which originally appeared in the April/May issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, will be […]

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