Some nice reviews are popping up for my story “Twelve and Tag” in the March issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction. And Starship Sofa is working on an audio adaptation – watch this space for more on that!
Rich Horton in Locus says:
Gregory Norman Bossert signaled, with his first story a few years ago, that he was a writer to watch, and he hasn’t disappointed since, showing excellent range and a real feel for story. His latest, ‘‘Twelve and Tag’’, from the March Asimov’s, may be his best yet. […] It’s as good a story as I’ve seen in 2015, with a neat SFnal background, wrenching personal details, and exciting action.
Ethan Robinson at the Marooned Off Vesta blog says:
Thoroughly reminiscent of late-60s Delany, this story is however not pastiche but continuation — and it is both responsible and playful in that continuation. A strange story about strange people in a strange place telling each other strange stories for strange reasons; a moving, emotional story about moving, emotional stories that calls the concept and practice of moving, emotional stories deeply into question, in multiple ways. […] Even the final page, an “action-packed” denouement that risks reducing everything that has preceded it into mere plot, manages to contribute rather than detract. Wonderful.
And Charles Payseur at Tangent says:
It’s a slow story until it isn’t, until the weight of everything suddenly ramps up and makes the action boil. And there’s a sense of things slowly coming together and then shattering all at once. It shows the values of stories, and how they can draw people together and how they can tear people apart.