My story Dear Boy is out now in Weird Fiction Review #10 edited by John Pelan and published by Centipede Press. It’s an absolutely beautiful volume, 392 pages, filled with color illustrations, with fiction by D. P. Watt, Anna Tambour, Richard Gavin, Marc Laidlaw, Gemma Files and others, and a slew of non-fiction articles including a history of Mexican horror comics by Silva Moreno-Garcia. On sale now for a great price.

Here’s a sample from Dear Boy:

Ernst Vul struggled to explain how he could be so haunted by a story that he barely remembered.  He could not even recall when he had read it; decades ago at the very least.  Had he been in school?  Would the school library have carried a work so unsettling, one set so deeply in the grotesque?

It might have been a comic, one of those rare prizes plucked from an old sibling and passed from seat to seat while the teacher’s back was turned, or read by flickering light under bedcovers.  The images in Ernst’s head, as torn and faded as they were, were certainly vivid enough: a cast of intricately depicted deformities; perspectives of unsettling angles, as if the viewer had suffered some dreadful dislocation; the colors, the lurid, unnatural colors, nothing like the bright primary colors of the art class, as if refracted from some other light, distilled from pigments of some obscure and esoteric source.  

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