I’ve had an odd winter so far, filled with unexpected efforts, fortuitous meetings, and strange diversions. A couple of exciting projects are going public in this coming week: a beastly bounty from the Shared Worlds Writing Camp and a stop (motion, that is) on the way to the mysterious Gardens of Miranda. I’ll be posting about them later in the week. So now seems like a good time to catch up with some of the things I’ve done in the last few months.
In December I did the design, artwork, and animation for the Cheeky Frawg Books website, working with Jeff and Ann VanderMeer, artist Jeremy Zerfoss (who did the Frawg logo and the wonderful book covers), and web guru Danny Fontaine. This is the same crew with whom I worked on my Myster Odd animation last summer, and it was once again a delight. In fact, the Cheeky Frawg site is based on Myster Odd’s writer’s garret. I designed and built the “set” with the Autodesk Maya software, using hand-painted textures and lighting to try to capture the quirky, timeless spirit of the Cheeky Frawg publications. There are a lot of odd easter eggs and free stuff on the site, so go ahead, poke through Myster Odd’s stuff! And while you are there, check out the catalogue for some extraordinary e-books and dare the ODD.
My novella “Slow Boat“, originally published in the July 2010 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction, was reprinted in Russian in the November 2011 issue of Esli Magazine. There are a number of footnotes that seem to be addressing some of the obscure slang I threw in, or in some cases, simply made up; I imagine it was a head-scratcher to translate, but such is always the lot of the translator…
Check in tomorrow for an update on my stories-in-progress!